October 13, 2010

Out From Under

I'm mad. That's all that could describe my feelings right now, mad. I'm mad that there's people starving, and we can do something about it, there's young girls being sold into prostitution, and we can do something about it, there's innocent people being killed, and we can do something about it. But we don't. The first thing that comes to mind is "Why doesn't God do something about it, if he's so mighty?" He DID do something about it!!! He put US on this earth to be his hands and feet. We can end depression, we can end suicide, we can end prostitution, we can end rape, we can end murder, we can end all of this. But no one's willing to pull together and do what they can. And that makes me mad. My blood is boiling right now. At the thought of little 7 or 8 year old girls being forced to have sex with 20 different guys every day of the week so that her family can have food. At the thought of innocent people just living their lives being held at gun point just because. At the thought of a girl in her room crying, cutting her wrist, and just watching the blood drip down, all to try to get away from the pain of her reality. At the thought that WE CAN DO SOMETHING, but we don't. Admit it, we all  live under a rock. We see what we want to, and what we don't want to know, we convince ourselves that it isn't happening. But there is still war and hunger and rape and suicide and slaves and prostitution and depression and murder and self injury and a million other things I could name. Why don't we do our part?? We could do so much. Just like that little boy that only had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, he gave them to Jesus, trusted him, said This is all I have, and he fed over 5000 people. We can take our "2 fish and five loaves of bread" and "feed 5000 people". In other words, we can take what we have right now, and do something big with it. God performs miracles. Nothing is impossible. Nothing. We need to crawl out from under that sheltered rock that we all live under, and face reality. It's never going to get better until we start doing something. Now don't look at me and call me a hypocrite. I'm researching, I'm brainstorming up ideas to help people around the world and in my own community. I want to change the world!!! I'm only 15, but I am going to do it, with the help of Jesus. It's the only way I can. I'm gonna do big things, I just know it :)

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