February 13, 2011

Wake Up

Okay, so right now, I am really hoping that you did not watch that with your kids! But you're probably wondering, why the heck did she just show me some atheist smacking God around?! In fact, I know this is what you're wondering, because I would wonder that too. I apologize for the language, but it was a much needed wake up call.

When I saw this video, my emotions were all over the place. He had a couple good quotes, "Suppose they hand you an upside down, backwards, Chinese, braille bible with half the pages missing." That made me laugh. Because I really don't think that there is such a thing. Never mind, we're in the 21st century. I'm sure there's something like that kickin' around this world somewhere. But just picturing this bible, he wasn't making fun of God in this sentence, he was poking fun but I think that it's okay, to a certain point.
I, for one, will not swear on a bible. Why? Because, yes, I am going to tell the truth. But, no, I am not going to swear on my God, because what if I mess up? I'm only human, I could say something wrong. It's possible. Then that's on God's name, and that's not what I want. I can't remember where, but I do remember reading somewhere in the New Testament that you are not supposed to make promises on God's name, because what if you break that promise? Exactly.
"Let's get back to the Bible, America's favorite national theatrical prop." It has become that, hasn't it? It's used to make people look good, without actually having to open it or have a relationship with God. It's become theatrical. If someone has a bible in their hand, they must be a good person! First off, what in the world is a good person?! They don't exist. Have you sinned? Yes. Have I sinned? Yes. There ya go, we are no longer good. God is good. He is good and holy and awesome. People are not good. We do good things, but we are not good.
"They f*ckin' made it up, folks. It's make believe!" AND PEOPLE CHEER. What kind of a society do we live in that people don't even fear their creator anymore? God has destroyed entire cities before, do you not think that he has the power to do the same to you? The tooth fairy, unicorns, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, they are make believe. God, the one who made us, who knows the very number of hairs on your head, who knew you before you were born, who knows every word before it comes out of your mouth, who put you on this earth for a purpose, is not pretend. What does the tooth fairy do? She collects teeth. We all know it's our parents. Santa Claus? Gives us presents. That is our parents too. The Easter Bunny? Gives us decorated eggs and chocolate. Parents, as well. God? I have shared the miracles I've witnessed before. The wind and waves listen to him, he heals people, he gives us exactly what we need, he comforts us, he protects us, he gives us a place in heaven with Him. Your parents can't do that. There is no possible way.
"Let's leave the Bible aside, we'll get back to the science-fiction reading later." This is what makes people like me want to punch people like him in the face. Yes, we are suppose to love everyone. I realize this. But this angers God as well. Am I not able to be angry at something that a person does that also angers God? We should be angry at the same things that anger God! We should love the same things God loves. Am I going to punch this guy in the face? No! This is my anger speaking. Again, God has destroyed entire cities from his anger. He put his anger into action. But I am not in the position to do that, I don't have that authority. God created us to love, so that is what I will do. But science-fiction, really buddy? Are we going back to the Big Bang theory or what?! Do you not see how complex this world is? How could there not be a creator? An amazing, divine creator who loves us so much.
"I'll tell you about as much truth as the people who wrote that f*cking Bible, how do ya like that?" It's hard to love people like this, isn't it? My first instinct when my dad told me he was dead was, Good, he deserves to be burning in hell. But we all deserve that. I am not proud of thinking that. But guys, if we could have saved this man, that would have been amazing. I wish we could have saved him and he could have been in heaven right now. Because God is a gracious God, and he forgives, but only if we come to him first. We have to take the first step.
"The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument, it came from God. Anything we can't describe must've come from God." Alright, yes, people do use God as a crutch. And it's sad, but it's true. We can't escape that truth. Again, some people use it to look like good people. Good people, that is what's imaginary. But it's true that anything we can't describe must've come from God, because we can't understand his ways or his purposes in the things he does. We can't do it. We can study the bible and pray and learn about Him, but there is no way that in this life time that we will ever know all there is to know about God. And I love that, because then our thirst will never die.
"Personally folks, I believe that if your rights came from God, he would've given you the right to some food every day, and he would've given you a right to a roof over your head, God would've been lookin' out for ya." I've written about this before, too. I hate it when people say this. Blessed are those who suffer, blessed are those who are poor, because they can truly rely on God. You wanna know more about my thoughts on this topic, and if any of you can find where in the world I wrote about this, please comment, because I cannot find it to save my life. (I exaggerate, quite a bit, if you haven't already noticed.)
"But let's say it's true. Let's say God gave us these rights, why would He only give us a certain number of rights?" Because he let's people do whatever we want! Sure, they may be "God given", whatever that means, but they are human created. God doesn't have us on puppet strings, controlling our every move. He lets us do whatever we want, and that's why he is so much more happy when we come to him and love him, willingly. God is not the one who made these rights, people are. He didn't control it.
"And apparently God was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional seventeen times, so God forgot a couple of things like slavery...just f*ckin' slipped his mind." Okay, first off, GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES. He is perfect in every single way. We make mistakes. Humans make mistakes. God turns those human made mistakes into something he can use, something he can turn into a beautiful creation. God didn't create slavery. His heart breaks for people still suffering from slavery. But he chooses not to control it. Because that way, he can use us. He knows people's hearts.
"Why would God give different people in different countries different numbers of different rights?" He didn't, people did.
"Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most, their government took them away. And rights aren't rights if someone can take them away." True. It's a sad world we live in today. We live in a fallen world. And it's not getting any better.
"They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country, the Bill of Temporary Privileges." Yes, privileges. We deserve nothing. Only, and I mean only, because God is a gracious and loving God does he allow us to live. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." When we sin, as we all have, we deserve to die. But when has God given us what we deserve? Just the other day, I sinned and I knew it, and I found my earrings that I had lost and was so upset about. I did not deserve that. But God, my Daddy, showed me mercy and kindness when I least deserved it. Privileges. We have privileges. It is a gift, not deserved or earned in any way.
"I feel, for instance, I can do anything I please. But if I do something you don't like, I think you have the right to kill me." Yes, we can do anything we please. But when you give your life to God, you don't have that desire anymore. You live your life to do what pleases him.
"So the next time some *ss hole says to you 'I have a right to my opinion.' You say, 'Oh yeah? I have a right to my opinion, and my opinion is you have no right to your opinion.' " It's sad, but it's true. We have no rights. They can easily be taken away. But again, other than the language, this quote made me laugh.
So what do we do? At first when I watched this, I was so mad. But then, I got sad. Sad that this guy doesn't know my God, that he doesn't have a relationship with him, that he would dare talk about the Almighty Lord in this fashion. You guys, we need to save people like this. We need to spread the Good News and tell people about God, because there are people like this man still out there, and they need our help. All we have to do is plant the seed, God will water it. Trust in him, he will do it. This was a good, much needed wake up call. It's hard putting it into action, but I'm trying my hardest.
God bless you guys,

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