January 24, 2012

Bless YOU!

Alright, I have been wanting to do a give away for quite some time now, I just never knew what to give away! I'm calling this give away Bless You, first of all because I think sneezes are funny, and second, because I do want to bless YOU for blessing me!
The blog has been at a pretty steady number for facebook page likes for a while now, and that number is 119. Wow!!! When I started this blog, I was excited when 10 people liked it! You guys are awesome!! (To like Masquerade on Facebook go to http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Masquerade/163939533629678) The blog itself has 20 followers right now. You guys, as well, are awesome!! It brings a smile to my face every time I have a new follower :) The total page views for my blog since it has started is 3,465. WOW!!! Blown away. I feel so much love for you guys, really. On twitter, I currently have 27 followers. Again, did not expect to get that many! Love it. (You can follow me on twitter at @arielmasquerade) On Instagram (arielmasquerade) has 27 followers also. I have fallen in love with Instagram!
So why did I tell you all this stuff? Well, here's where I get you involved. I want you to share this page with your friends. I have gotten many emails, facebook messages, and comments telling me how I inspire people, or that one of my posts helped them, or how they agree with me, or that they're praying for me, or someone asking for prayer, or even just encouraging me! I love, love, love these emails! With all my heart. Please, don't stop sending them! I love hearing how my words helped your day, because I truly believe that God uses me and my words (really, his words) through this blog. I want to gain a bigger audience, not for my own personal gain, but because I share Jesus on this blog, and because I share encouragement on this blog, and because God is using this blog. I want to further God's kingdom! This is one way that he has chosen to allow me to do that, but giving me the gift of writing.
So, here's how the contest works. When I hit 170 page likes on facebook (that's 51 more than I have now) I will give away this 5 pack of stickers from To Write Love On Her Arms. I will select someone who has liked the facebook page randomly.
The second way to win is to follow my blog! Once I get 25 followers on the blog itself, (that's 5 more than I have now) I will give away this Fears vs. Dreams sticker pack from TWLOHA. The winner will be selected at random from my followers on the blog.
The third way to win is by reading the blog! Which is something that you're doing right now, so it shouldn't be too hard ;) Once I get up to 4000 total page views on the blog, (535 more than I have right now) I will give away this pack of seven buttons from TWLOHA. To win this one, I will post a blog once the blog has reached 4000 views. I will give you an opportunity to send me a story of how one of my posts has impacted your life, through facebook message, commenting, or emailing me. After about a week or so, I will take all of the stories and select which story impacted me the most from hearing it. The stories may be shared on the blog, with your permission, of course.
The fourth way to win is once I get 50 followers on twitter, (that's 23 more than I have right now) I will tweet a cue for you to tweet about my blog. Simply tweeting for people to check it out or follow it, hash tagging it #masquerade and including me in the tweet (@arielmasquerade) will enter you to win. The winner will be chosen at random. The prize will be these dog tags from TWLOHA.
The final way to win involves a bit of creativity...:) Once I hit 50 followers on Instagram, I will cue through the blog and through a picture on Instagram from you guys to enter. What I want you to do is take a picture of one thing that when you look at it, you know without a doubt that God is 100% real. This could be a person, this could be nature, this could be a quote. Anything that comes to mind. I look forward to seeing them all! Don't forget to hash tag #masquerade and mention me @arielmasquerade. The winner will get a TWLOHA bracelet (choice of blue, pink, white or black).
To be completely honest, I would love to just get all of these items for myself. But I would love for you guys to have them even more!! I'll let you know when you can enter by facebook, twitter, the blog, and Instagram. I'll get ahold of you by email or facebook when you win. I'm really excited for this!!
I will be writing another blog later on why I chose To Write Love On Her Arms, but for now, I'll let you get on your Facebook, Tweet, Blog, Instagram, Email, Snail Mail, Note, Call, Text, Tell, Whisper, Yell, Billboard, Poster, or anything else away to invite people to check out Masquerade.
God bless you guys! Love you all.

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