May 19, 2011

Father Will You Come

Um...God is just so cool. That's all I can think to start this with! Ha, I'm just so awe struck with His greatness. I find it incredible how God, who has always been here, which is such a hard concept to grasp, I cannot wrap my mind around it...God doesn't need us, but He wants us. He did not have to make human beings, He does not need us for anything at all. But to think that he wanted us, to pour his love out onto us, to bless us, to have us love him, to show himself in each and every one of our lives...Ahhh!!! God is just so amazing. You know that warm feeling right in your core that you feel when you're around someone you really love? I feel that right now, so much, and I love it.

It's crazy to think where I would be right now if I did not have God in my life. I would either be dead or 7 months pregnant. For some reason, last year I had this thing with wanting a kid so badly. I'm so happy that God took over my thoughts, and my actions, because yeah, I want kids, but I want them when I'm married and can support them and love them with all I have! I'm not ready to be a mother yet, I don't know anything about anything yet, I'm still only learning, and I thank God that he protected me from myself.
It's so awesome how God can show himself to you. A couple weeks ago I was at YC and it was an amazing time, God was so present and the praise and worship times were so powerful. On Friday night, while waiting for what seemed like forever at the hotel for YC to start, I had a Sharpie. Anyone who knows me well knows what happens when there's a Sharpie. So of course, I drew on myself. I drew a cross on my wrist with "WWJD?" on top of it. I glanced at my wrist on Sunday and noticed that it had rubbed off a little bit, no big deal. On Monday at work, I looked at my wrist again and I swear my heart stopped for a second. In the middle of the cross, where the Sharpie had rubbed off, was a completely perfect heart. You want a miracle to prove God's existence to you? There's your miracle! Man, God is just so awesome. So, What Would Jesus Do? He would love. Why did he suffer on that cross for us? People who wouldn't even accept him? People who beat him and mocked him and persecuted him? Because he loved us. Why or how, I have no idea, but I am so happy that he never gives up on us.
Last night and today at work I was just not feeling anything for God. I was thinking, I should be on fire for him right now, but I wasn't. I just did not feel a thing. And so, sharpening pencils, I started praying. I asked God to fill me with himself, with his love, I just wanted so badly to feel passion for him. And as soon as I started praying and asking him to work in me, it was instant, he was there. I just felt him working in me, I felt his presence right there beside me, I felt his love. God is so so good, I love him so much.
I think a lot of the time we forget to tell God we love him. To say the simple words "I love you" because we assume that he already knows it. Does that mean that he doesn't want to hear it? No! He tells you that he loves you every single day. Please, just tell him how much you love him and how amazing he is, because he really really is.
God bless you guys,

1 comment:

  1. Wow... what an amazing story... That was really encouraging to me tonight, thank you so much for posting... It's so awesome what He does for love....
