November 9, 2010

Restless (Mattie Montgomery)

What is my destiny? What is God's plan for me? Who was I made to be?
Now, these are questions that are in every one's heart. As Christians, we throw around this concept of warfare or contention without ever establishing a goal or an ultimate purpose. We must have vision of a higher calling than simply resisting sin. If what it means to be devoted to the gospel of Jesus Christ is to get up on Sunday mornings, and to do your best not to say a couple of cuss words, then you've missed it. We must catch God's vision of what it truly means to struggle for the sake of Christ and for the establishment of the kingdom of Heaven. Isaiah 62 says, "You who call on the name of the Lord give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth." And so what are we fighting for? To see the body of Christ, the church, establish to the outside world as a shelter from this hell on earth. What does it mean if you pastor a church of a hundred thousand people, but there is still no hope for a pregnant teenage girl in your city. And what does it mean, if people are coming from all over to your meetings if suicide is still devastating our generation and over 33 million people are dying from aids right now. Listen to what I'm about to say to you: The only reason we live in a fallen world is because we live in a fallen culture, but take heart, because cultures can be changed. All creation groans in anticipation for the sons of God to be revealed. Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glory's freedom of the children of God. Romans 8 says that creation itself will be brought unto the glory's freedom of the children of God. On the cross, when the wrath of God was satisfied, Jesus Christ established for us sons-ship in heaven. We are now divine beings, heirs to the thrown of God and all creation has been groaning in anticipation of that moment. In the name of Jesus Christ, under the authority of Father God and the  leading of his Holy Spirit, I declare that my generation will exercise authority over creation. Over cancer, over aids, over natural disasters, and over death itself. We will stand firm in who we are as children of the most high God. And we operate under an ancient authority to the end of injustice. All creation has come together for this single moment! For this time, to watch, and to wait, to hold it's breath in anticipation, to see what will come of your time here on earth. To see if in your days you will align yourself with destiny and God and with your inheritance of holiness, because if you do, if you can, you will unleash a tide of hope that will sweep across our generation and that will change everything forever. All creation will be restored to glory, and the twinkling of an eye, like a thief in the night, black will become white, and up will become down. The servant of all will be made the greatest, and the ? of a slave will receive the reward of his suffering. And as he reigns, in justice and righteousness forever, that you will be at his side. Restless ones, arise! Take your place in a new paradigm of restlessness. Will God not bring justice for those of his elect for those who cry out to him, day and night? And so we cry out, saying, God, send your spirit, God, send it out for us, God send us as the end of injustice.

This sermon is by Mattie Montgomery of the band For Today. I've been really struggling, ready to give up. There are only two people in my life who know how much I am actually struggling, and if it wasn't for them, I would have given up a long, long time ago. He says that we need to see what it truly is to struggle for Christ's sake. I always thought, that if I was persecuted in a different country, or questioned about God, that I would stand firm in my faith. But this past week, I've realized that I've still got a lot of work to do. If I was like the people in the Bible who went through so much hardship, I would have given up. I don't know how they did it. I really don't. So that's what I need prayer for this week. To not give up. Because right now, right at this moment, I'm hanging on by a thread, and I don't know how much longer it's gonna be before I fall.

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