October 6, 2011


"Fashion Fairytale" or nightmare?
It is not even humanly possible to achieve this look.
What the heck is that?! I'm sorry, but to me, this looks like an alien, not a "Fashion Fairytale" as the people working and creating at the Barbie company would put it. I wish I could go work there just so I could give them a good, solid smack upside the head. This is the most unrealistic thing I have ever seen (well, maybe not ever, that's a slight exaggeration). Is this what we want to teach the little girls who are playing with this? I've already slammed Barbie in the past, and I sure am not afraid to do it again! Why are there grown adults sitting around a table thinking up new ideas, saying that it would be great to give little girls unrealistic expectations that they're going to look exactly like Barbie, and if you don't, then you're a piece of crap. Yet Barbie advertises that you need to be yourself, that you should love yourself. Yeah, Barbie? Well then create something normal, forget normal, just create something humanly possible! For crying out loud!
I definitely grew up thinking that Barbie was perfect and that I would look like her when I grew up. With the perfect makeup, wearing heels all the time, charismatic, the perfect body. Did any of that happen? Ha! Nope.
Let's dissect this "Barbie's Fashion Fairytale" for a second. First off, do you really think that sparkly pink skin is attractive? 'Cause it's not, not even maybe. Well, I guess if you want to be an alien when you grow up you would have a different mindset. I was looking at this Barbie during work today, and thinking, where do her freakin' legs end?! No one person on this planet has that long of legs. It's just not natural, by far. Oh, and no one's that skinny. You wanna teach your children to be anorexic, then buying them that Barbie is step one. Why do you think so many girls today have so many issues? They have to be skinny because that's what all of society says. And the sick thing is, no one's denying it! Why do we give girls these false beliefs? I don't understand. And now, my favorite part, (I really hope you heard me roll my eyes at this point...) her clothing. *Cough* Slut! *Cough* ...Yeah, 'nough said. Ew. Ew, ew, ew! Any guy, and I mean any guy, Christian or not, seeing this girl walking around would automatically have his eyes boggling and mind racing. Her butt is hardly being covered by that short skirt! And really? I don't think I've ever seen any girl wearing that short of a shirt in public. It's pretty much a sports bra.
This disgusts me. I honestly hope that Barbie somehow gets destroyed, because it is doing no child any favors. Please hear me, girls, when I say this. Modesty is beautiful. You will attract the kind of guy you dress for. And if your boobs are hanging out of your shirt and you have to keep having to pull your shorts down to cover your butt, then you are going to attract a guy who only wants you for your body, and I guarantee it, he will shatter your heart. Any boy who is worth your time will tell you that you look absolutely beautiful when you've just rolled out of bed because he woke you up to surprise you. He'll love you for you, and not for your body. And he'll be looking for a relationship that will last the rest of your lives, instead of a one night stand. These boys are rare, yes, but they are worth it, and you will never regret it. They are out there. God has the perfect one picked out for you, you just have to let him take the drivers seat and lead you to him.
God bless,


  1. Ariel, you should truly be a consultant for the fashion facebook group I am coordinating. You make some good points. As the coordinator of the group I decide what goes on the group blog. Although there are many models in the group, I set the limits. There are certain types of models I would not allow in the group and there are certain displays I would not exhibit on the blog. Feel free to check it out anytime. intheknowwithgeorgekuc.blogspot.com Perhaps you could be my conscience! Take care, George

  2. Thanks George!
    Checkin' it out right now :)

  3. By the way, everyone reading this:
    I had the chance to play with one of these things last night! Haaaaa! Turns out a couple days after I wrote this, my uncle's mom bought one for my little baby cousin...:) I laughed. So. Hard. Anywho, her legs don't close, she looks funny doing the splits, I can make her do the Thriller dance (!!!!!), her hands have the most disgusting texture, BUT her hair, all in all, is nice.
    I suppose I'm done making fun of it now.
    Hehehe :)
