December 3, 2011

"Beautiful" Sin

I had a dream last night, and I woke up very confused as to what it meant. Obviously, I asked God. The dream was that I was marrying one of my friends, not anyone whom I'm close with or anything, just someone I talk to occasionally. But the twist was that it was a girl. I was marrying a girl, and I'm a girl. And so I was getting everything ready, we were so happy, and I was putting my dress on and veil and everything, and we were at the alter. There were just a bunch of faces I recognized from school but no one I really knew. I came in and stood in front of the pastor, but I stood too far away, so I had to go closer. I looked down and my beautiful white dress had turned into this grey, ugly dress that was coming apart. I realized while I was dreaming that I was marrying a girl, and that this completely went against everything I believed. I didn't know how I got to that point in my life, I felt like I had gotten in way too deep to get out now, and I felt like if I did not marry this person I would be letting everyone down and not be able to go on with my life, knowing what everyone thought of me.
Then I woke up, incredibly confused as to why I had just dreamt that, as it made no sense whatsoever. So I prayed, and everything kind of came together and made sense. A lot of sense. This is what I realized from this dream:
Me marrying one of my friends is like sin. It made me happy at first, and everything was so good with it in my life. I felt on top of the world, that it had made life better for me. A lot of the dream had to do with pressure. These people at my wedding were all staring at me as I came down the isle, and from that I got this: I care too much what people think. I feel like every one's watching my every move, and I feel like I have to be perfect. And so when I stood too far away from the preacher, I screwed up, while everyone was watching. Then when I saw my dress had changed, that part of the dream meant that I saw my life change. I saw this "beautiful" sin in my life start to show it's true colors. The dress tearing was like my life falling apart, and I kept having to try to pin it together so that no one would notice. Then this big realization at the end of the dream, the realization that I had gotten in so deep and felt like now I was in that "relationship" with sin for the rest of my life, that's exactly how I've been feeling lately. In the dream I started thinking about all of the stuff that would be better if I would just say "no" to marrying that person, but that little, weak voice inside of me kept saying "but I just can't do it". With all of those people there, watching me, I just couldn't bear to think about what they would think of me, even if I would be unhappy for the rest of my life, I couldn't just break out of it for fear of what would happen next.
I've been going through a lot of difficult stuff lately. I feel like this thing that I'm in is eating me alive. I want to say no, but there's that little voice telling me that I can't. This dream, in strange ways, is reflecting where I am in life right now.
This needs to end. I need God. I need him. I can't keep living like this, in this sin. Please pray for me, guys. I love you all.
God bless,


  1. Ariel! You are so amazing! You inspire so many people. Keep it up :)

  2. Wow!! What a neat way to look at your dream. What deep thoughts, and your thoughts are how I feel in my own life as well. I feel as though everyone is watching my every move and I have to do everything perfect.I liked how you explained that the dress turning grey was like the sin. That was so neat!! And you standing far away from the preacher was kind of like you standing far away from God. What a neat post!! I really enjoyed reading it :) Oh, yes...and thanks too for following my blog too!! I like your blog- you write such interesting posts and your words apply to how I am feeling. Thanks!!
