How impossible is this earth? It's absolutely impossible! There is nothing naturally possible about it. I hear people talking about evolution and how they believe that everything evolved into what it is now. Or another one of my favorites, the Big Bang Theory (good show, by the way, besides their purely idiotic so called "truths").
Look at one of the key points of evolution: monkeys evolved into humans. Not possible. Why? Because there's still monkeys on this earth, so why aren't they evolving still? And better yet, why are there still monkeys on this earth? Shouldn't they all have evolved into humans by now? Missing links. If there's a missing link, there's no way I would count it as truth, because it's not.
I just find this world so amazing. And so impossible. It's incredible because everything you look at points to God. Nothing on this earth is even possible without him. Like a tree. So, you take this tiny little seed, as small as a pea, and out of this tiny little seed grows this gigantic tree? It just shouldn't work! There is no possible way! All the bark and leaves and roots and everything that this tree has built into it so that it can That is just incredible to me, I don't know about you, but that just blows my mind.
Do you see the tiny little seed? |
That tiny little seed turned into this beast! How in the world...? :) |
Another thing I find just so mind blowing is how far in advance God plans things. Bare with me and actually read all this, because it will blow your mind, I promise. (I got all the years from my bible and did all the approximate math.) In Psalm 34:20 it says, "He will protect their very bones; not one of them will be broken." This was probably written around 1400 B.C. Jesus was born around 50 A.D. That's over a thousand years difference, from when this was prophesied to when Jesus was born. It probably would have been about 1500 years after that Jesus was crucified. So, well over 1000 years before Jesus was born, they said that not a bone in his body would be broken, then Jesus gets crucified, and guess what?!
Not a bone in his body was broken. Fifteen thousand years, baby. When they crucified people, they nailed them to the cross in their wrists. At the beginning of all creation, when God created man, he gave us two bones in our forearm, with a gap in the middle. He did this at the beginning of creation so that at least 2000 years later (I couldn't figure out the actual timeline because a) I'm exhausted and b) I didn't trust any of the internet sources, so if you can give me the actual timeline and reliable proof, it would be appreciated :) ) when Jesus was crucified not one of his bones would be broken because the nail would go in between the 2 bones put in our arm at the beginning of time so that the Bible would be 100% the truth. How freakin' awesome is that?!?! He plans things so far in advance that from the beginning of time he had Jesus' life planned out. So what does that mean for us? God planned out our life from the beginning of creation. He knew which family we'd be in, he knew who are friends would be, he knew who we'd marry, who our kids would be, what troubles we'd go through, and how many people we would reach through Him. What an amazing God we serve. I can't even understand his ways, not even maybe.
Or look at the human brain, or the human eye. Charles Darwin, an agnostic man who did believe in evolution to an extent said, "The suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." Here's a man who believes evolution saying that evolution is absurd. Bam. I've heard of so many evolutionists taking back their theories, and saying that it's impossible, but for some reason, people just keep milking it. Now, the brain. This blob of goop that controls our bodies, remembers everything, allows us to think and do everything. What??? How is that even anywhere close to possible?! It's not. Ha, the way that God has created everything is just so crazy, and only possible with him. I love it. The care and time that he took in making every single one of our bodies is just amazing.
Open your eyes, open your hearts. God's just waiting there, if you search for him, you will find him, guaranteed. Just try it, just this once. You won't be disappointed.
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