I hate labels. I hate labels with a passion. Especially "goody" labels. Like the "good little church girl" or "goody two shoes" or "nerd" or whatever else you wanna call me. Hey, guess what? I could easily turn into a "bully" and punch you the next time you call me one of those!!!! Gah!
Why do I hate these labels? Because if you do one good thing, or do the right thing, you're automatically labeled a goody-two-shoes. You can't do something good just for the sake of doing it. If you go to church and actually do what the bible says, you're automatically labeled a good little church girl. People tend to take advantage of you when you have this label because they think you're too naive and sweet and a push-over to actually do anything about it. This is why I've started to say no when I want to say no lately. Oh, and my favorite as of late, being called a nerd. I am being labeled as a nerd because I'm actually doing my school work to the best of my ability. Isn't that what you're supposed to do in school?! For crying out loud!
I hate being labeled as "good" things. I don't like it when people think I'm innocent, or naive, or anything else like that, because I'm not. I'm really not! I've experienced first hand so many things in my life that have left me incredibly scarred, but I love that about myself. I wouldn't want to have been that naive little 13 year old and I'm glad that I wasn't, because now I know what life is. I know that the way I was living then was not the right way. God brought me back to him, he was waiting while I ignored him, and now he has me back. I'm so happy to be back in my Daddy's arms.
I want to be known for being on fire, absolutely crazy, confident, God's warrior. That's the name I want to have for myself, that's what I truly desire. I believe that you can't be innocent to do God's work, because you need to go out into the world. You need to get in there and get messy. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting messy, and I love it. Thank you God!
I 100% agree with you, Ariel. I'm the nerd at shcool cuz I'm bored without homework. But I just sort of flaunt it. I embrace the title I have. I just need to remember to give glory to God through my smartness that He gave me instead of being like, "Yeah, It's all me, I rock!"