May 27, 2011

Lifted Up

One more reason school is stupid.So, everyone is always asking the question, "Why is it so hard to talk about God openly?" "Why is it awkward?" "Why is it not socially accepted?" Here's your answer: Public schools. Public schools teach you from kindergarten that it is not politically correct to talk about God in school because everyone has different beliefs. Yes, everyone has different beliefs, and I respect that, but at the same time, why would you let anyone, let alone a little child, believe lies? You have religious exercises (which, I'm sorry, but it's a stupid name) but parents have to sign a form allowing their child to learn about GOD, the One who created everyone and everything on this earth?! Okay, so you have just enough of God in the schools to still be politically correct and please *most* parents? Good enough, right? I mean, all we can ask for is a little bit of God.
If you are accepting this, you're crazy. I hate that a child can be talking about God in the classroom and a teacher will tell them that they're not allowed to talk about that. It's so stupid! This is why kids are afraid to tell others about God and to live out their faith, because they are taught right from the start that they're not supposed to.
Can it change? I sure hope so. But will it change? Probably not. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have full out Christian schools, that's not good for kids either. They have to learn to live for God in a worldly setting. But the thing that makes me angry is that they can't even talk about God with their friends, even with other believers. Teachers have now become persecutors. Not all, but some. And it's stupid. It makes me so mad.
I hate how in middle school/high school teachers don't care if kids are talking about sex/drugs/parties/drinking/swearing, but when it comes to God, nope! Not acceptable. People need a reality check. I can't WAIT until God is lifted up to the highest place, when Jesus comes again, when we can all go be with God and praise him ALL THE TIME! It will be perfect.
My kids are going to be raised to know that God is the most awesome thing ever! That no one and nothing compares to him! That with him, their lives will be incredible. They need to be raised to know God. Yeah, maybe they'll fall away from God, they'll have their struggles, but when they overcome those struggles, man, it's going to be so good.
I challenge you to say even the tiny things, like if it's a nice day and you're talking to someone about the weather, you could say "Praise God for this weather!" Or if it's rainy and gross outside, say, "Oh, I'll have to pray about that." Just little things like that will get people's attention. We don't have to be quiet. This generation can rise up and proclaim the name of Christ! Even here, in our own towns, we can be the start to a huge chain reaction. Please believe that if you believe in God and open up your heart to him, he will use you for huge things. I am a perfect example of that, and I can't wait to see what God's going to do in my life, even just in the next year. He is incredible. Is it going to be scary to open up that door, letting God rule your life? Yes. Oh man, yes it is! But it's going to be so worth it. He's going to overflow your life with Himself, his plan, his peace, joy, blessings. Hard times will come, I can guarantee it, but you can God to carry you through those times. Please, please just let him open up these doors for you. You will never regret it, I can promise you that!
God bless you all,

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