May 29, 2011
Greater Things
God Of This City is a song that I haven't quite understood until this morning. I understand it now because I have such a passion for change in this town! Man, God is using me for big things. I'm so incredibly blessed by Him, I can't imagine more, but God says that he will give us life beyond our wildest imaginations! What a crazy God we serve. :)
Any of you that live in the same town as me, or even in the area, have heard rumors, and know that this town has a reputation, not a good one either. But that's okay. You know why? Because it gives God so much to work with! He is working here, you guys!! I believe that this concert that I'm helping put together is going to be huge, it's going to change hearts, it's going to plant a seed in a lot of people who aren't expecting it. There's a verse that says that Jesus will come like a thief in the night. Well, I believe that God will come like a thief in the night and steal their hearts! He's going to poke at their hearts, they're going to need him because once you have one experience with God, it's so hard to be okay with things going back to how they were. God is so awesome!
On another note, I just want to say to every one of you who reads my blog that I love you so much! Even if you've only read one post, or maybe you've just skimmed over the site, whatever! I LOVE YOU!!! I've been having a battle in my heart all weekend. It's been very tough and very annoying. But God is good, time and time again. A couple days ago I was questioning whether to keep writing. I felt like my words were not helping anyone, not reaching anyone, and that no one was reading anymore. But then I go back and read your comments, your emails, your facebook messages, and I'm so humbled! When I started writing this blog, I never imagined that I would get readers from almost every single continent in this world!! I never imagined that I'd get people emailing me that I helped them, that I opened their eyes. I never imagined that my words could make people cry. I never imagined that this could be a God given talent, but it is. I believe that with my whole heart. I just want to pour into you guys. I have incredible passion in my heart, any of you who have read the blog or know me in person know that, and I believe that God will use this passion! So thank you, all of you who are reading this, and I really hope that this blog is not useless on you.
If you guys ever want to talk to me, I love talking to people! (My supervisor wrote me a reference letter for my portfolio and said that I'm very talkative and get along with everyone--so there's your proof!) I love meeting new people, making new friends. So, here's your open door! Email : Facebook:
I really would love to talk to you guys!
God bless!!
May 27, 2011
Lifted Up
One more reason school is stupid.So, everyone is always asking the question, "Why is it so hard to talk about God openly?" "Why is it awkward?" "Why is it not socially accepted?" Here's your answer: Public schools. Public schools teach you from kindergarten that it is not politically correct to talk about God in school because everyone has different beliefs. Yes, everyone has different beliefs, and I respect that, but at the same time, why would you let anyone, let alone a little child, believe lies? You have religious exercises (which, I'm sorry, but it's a stupid name) but parents have to sign a form allowing their child to learn about GOD, the One who created everyone and everything on this earth?! Okay, so you have just enough of God in the schools to still be politically correct and please *most* parents? Good enough, right? I mean, all we can ask for is a little bit of God.
If you are accepting this, you're crazy. I hate that a child can be talking about God in the classroom and a teacher will tell them that they're not allowed to talk about that. It's so stupid! This is why kids are afraid to tell others about God and to live out their faith, because they are taught right from the start that they're not supposed to.
Can it change? I sure hope so. But will it change? Probably not. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have full out Christian schools, that's not good for kids either. They have to learn to live for God in a worldly setting. But the thing that makes me angry is that they can't even talk about God with their friends, even with other believers. Teachers have now become persecutors. Not all, but some. And it's stupid. It makes me so mad.
I hate how in middle school/high school teachers don't care if kids are talking about sex/drugs/parties/drinking/swearing, but when it comes to God, nope! Not acceptable. People need a reality check. I can't WAIT until God is lifted up to the highest place, when Jesus comes again, when we can all go be with God and praise him ALL THE TIME! It will be perfect.
My kids are going to be raised to know that God is the most awesome thing ever! That no one and nothing compares to him! That with him, their lives will be incredible. They need to be raised to know God. Yeah, maybe they'll fall away from God, they'll have their struggles, but when they overcome those struggles, man, it's going to be so good.
I challenge you to say even the tiny things, like if it's a nice day and you're talking to someone about the weather, you could say "Praise God for this weather!" Or if it's rainy and gross outside, say, "Oh, I'll have to pray about that." Just little things like that will get people's attention. We don't have to be quiet. This generation can rise up and proclaim the name of Christ! Even here, in our own towns, we can be the start to a huge chain reaction. Please believe that if you believe in God and open up your heart to him, he will use you for huge things. I am a perfect example of that, and I can't wait to see what God's going to do in my life, even just in the next year. He is incredible. Is it going to be scary to open up that door, letting God rule your life? Yes. Oh man, yes it is! But it's going to be so worth it. He's going to overflow your life with Himself, his plan, his peace, joy, blessings. Hard times will come, I can guarantee it, but you can God to carry you through those times. Please, please just let him open up these doors for you. You will never regret it, I can promise you that!
God bless you all,
If you are accepting this, you're crazy. I hate that a child can be talking about God in the classroom and a teacher will tell them that they're not allowed to talk about that. It's so stupid! This is why kids are afraid to tell others about God and to live out their faith, because they are taught right from the start that they're not supposed to.
Can it change? I sure hope so. But will it change? Probably not. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have full out Christian schools, that's not good for kids either. They have to learn to live for God in a worldly setting. But the thing that makes me angry is that they can't even talk about God with their friends, even with other believers. Teachers have now become persecutors. Not all, but some. And it's stupid. It makes me so mad.
I hate how in middle school/high school teachers don't care if kids are talking about sex/drugs/parties/drinking/swearing, but when it comes to God, nope! Not acceptable. People need a reality check. I can't WAIT until God is lifted up to the highest place, when Jesus comes again, when we can all go be with God and praise him ALL THE TIME! It will be perfect.
My kids are going to be raised to know that God is the most awesome thing ever! That no one and nothing compares to him! That with him, their lives will be incredible. They need to be raised to know God. Yeah, maybe they'll fall away from God, they'll have their struggles, but when they overcome those struggles, man, it's going to be so good.
I challenge you to say even the tiny things, like if it's a nice day and you're talking to someone about the weather, you could say "Praise God for this weather!" Or if it's rainy and gross outside, say, "Oh, I'll have to pray about that." Just little things like that will get people's attention. We don't have to be quiet. This generation can rise up and proclaim the name of Christ! Even here, in our own towns, we can be the start to a huge chain reaction. Please believe that if you believe in God and open up your heart to him, he will use you for huge things. I am a perfect example of that, and I can't wait to see what God's going to do in my life, even just in the next year. He is incredible. Is it going to be scary to open up that door, letting God rule your life? Yes. Oh man, yes it is! But it's going to be so worth it. He's going to overflow your life with Himself, his plan, his peace, joy, blessings. Hard times will come, I can guarantee it, but you can God to carry you through those times. Please, please just let him open up these doors for you. You will never regret it, I can promise you that!
God bless you all,
May 19, 2011
Father Will You Come
Um...God is just so cool. That's all I can think to start this with! Ha, I'm just so awe struck with His greatness. I find it incredible how God, who has always been here, which is such a hard concept to grasp, I cannot wrap my mind around it...God doesn't need us, but He wants us. He did not have to make human beings, He does not need us for anything at all. But to think that he wanted us, to pour his love out onto us, to bless us, to have us love him, to show himself in each and every one of our lives...Ahhh!!! God is just so amazing. You know that warm feeling right in your core that you feel when you're around someone you really love? I feel that right now, so much, and I love it.
It's crazy to think where I would be right now if I did not have God in my life. I would either be dead or 7 months pregnant. For some reason, last year I had this thing with wanting a kid so badly. I'm so happy that God took over my thoughts, and my actions, because yeah, I want kids, but I want them when I'm married and can support them and love them with all I have! I'm not ready to be a mother yet, I don't know anything about anything yet, I'm still only learning, and I thank God that he protected me from myself.
It's so awesome how God can show himself to you. A couple weeks ago I was at YC and it was an amazing time, God was so present and the praise and worship times were so powerful. On Friday night, while waiting for what seemed like forever at the hotel for YC to start, I had a Sharpie. Anyone who knows me well knows what happens when there's a Sharpie. So of course, I drew on myself. I drew a cross on my wrist with "WWJD?" on top of it. I glanced at my wrist on Sunday and noticed that it had rubbed off a little bit, no big deal. On Monday at work, I looked at my wrist again and I swear my heart stopped for a second. In the middle of the cross, where the Sharpie had rubbed off, was a completely perfect heart. You want a miracle to prove God's existence to you? There's your miracle! Man, God is just so awesome. So, What Would Jesus Do? He would love. Why did he suffer on that cross for us? People who wouldn't even accept him? People who beat him and mocked him and persecuted him? Because he loved us. Why or how, I have no idea, but I am so happy that he never gives up on us.
Last night and today at work I was just not feeling anything for God. I was thinking, I should be on fire for him right now, but I wasn't. I just did not feel a thing. And so, sharpening pencils, I started praying. I asked God to fill me with himself, with his love, I just wanted so badly to feel passion for him. And as soon as I started praying and asking him to work in me, it was instant, he was there. I just felt him working in me, I felt his presence right there beside me, I felt his love. God is so so good, I love him so much.
I think a lot of the time we forget to tell God we love him. To say the simple words "I love you" because we assume that he already knows it. Does that mean that he doesn't want to hear it? No! He tells you that he loves you every single day. Please, just tell him how much you love him and how amazing he is, because he really really is.
God bless you guys,
May 6, 2011
Today started simple. It started out to be an awesome day.
As many of you know, last weekend I was at YC Manitoba. It was an amazing time! You would think that you would look most forward to the big band on Saturday night, but this year, I found myself being so excited for the praise and worship bands. It was amazing to be in the midst of hundreds of teenagers, giving themselves to God, praising him, singing to him, giving everything to him without caring who was beside them! Nothing could ever erase this image from my mind. Disciple was great (Kevin Young took a video of the crowd, check it out!!/video/video.php?v=10150170629888527 I was IN this!!), Remedy Drive was absolutely insane! Bluetree was awesome, as per usual. Unhindered helped us be united and really worship. Awesome people. The Panic Squad was so funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. You had to be there. Matt Tapley, incredible speaker. My cousin, Faith, was saved this weekend during an alter call!!! Praise God! She came to YC for a reason, God knew what was going to happen!! Oh man, her being saved made the whole weekend. Not the bands, not the speakers, not the lights, but the fact that one more person in this world is praising the King, as it should be.
Anyways, I knew that I would come off of my spiritual high hard and be into battle this week. That happened on Monday. I'm not going to give specifics, but I was so broken. I got into it with my parents about something that I wanted to do. Being a teenager, of course I wanted to do what I wanted to do! Duh! Well, of course, I was reading my bible that night, and I come across the verse "Children, honor your parents, because this is what is good." Ahhh, oh God, the ways you work. So, I calmed myself down. I had a conversation with my parents, and we worked it out that we would revisit the issue in a few months. I have to remember that this is God's rule, that I respect my parent's wishes. Although I may not, and do not, agree with it, I have to honor it, and I'm at peace with that.
This whole week has been a lot easier than I would have guessed. After the initial testing of faith, I feel so much stronger in God! God is just so good. I learned at YC, that I'm going to be tested over and over, it's never going to stop. A quote I love: "I want to be the kind of person that when my feet hit the floor in the morning, satan says, 'Oh crap, she's up!' " Haha :) I love that! And it's so true! I want satan to be threatened by my personal relationship with my Father, Savior and Lord.
So the main point of this post is that...drum roll please!! MY DREAM IS FINALLY BECOMING REALITY!!!!! I got an email today from a booking agent I had contacted a while back. He told me that we could get a deal for the Letter Black, Write This Down, I Am Empire, Icon For Hire and Nine Lashes to come to town on their tour! How awesome is our God?!!! I never could have done this without him putting everything together. It's going to be a lot of work to put together, but I am so ready.
So, my request to you: PRAY! Pray, pray, pray! The power of prayer will work. Pray for the people organizing it, pray for the bands, pray for the people who will attend the concert, pray for everyone. Also, we will gladly accept donations. We need to raise approximately $1500-2000, which is very cheap, trust me! So please contact me if you are looking to get involved in any way. ( Thanks much guys! Love you all.
God bless,
As many of you know, last weekend I was at YC Manitoba. It was an amazing time! You would think that you would look most forward to the big band on Saturday night, but this year, I found myself being so excited for the praise and worship bands. It was amazing to be in the midst of hundreds of teenagers, giving themselves to God, praising him, singing to him, giving everything to him without caring who was beside them! Nothing could ever erase this image from my mind. Disciple was great (Kevin Young took a video of the crowd, check it out!!/video/video.php?v=10150170629888527 I was IN this!!), Remedy Drive was absolutely insane! Bluetree was awesome, as per usual. Unhindered helped us be united and really worship. Awesome people. The Panic Squad was so funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. You had to be there. Matt Tapley, incredible speaker. My cousin, Faith, was saved this weekend during an alter call!!! Praise God! She came to YC for a reason, God knew what was going to happen!! Oh man, her being saved made the whole weekend. Not the bands, not the speakers, not the lights, but the fact that one more person in this world is praising the King, as it should be.
Anyways, I knew that I would come off of my spiritual high hard and be into battle this week. That happened on Monday. I'm not going to give specifics, but I was so broken. I got into it with my parents about something that I wanted to do. Being a teenager, of course I wanted to do what I wanted to do! Duh! Well, of course, I was reading my bible that night, and I come across the verse "Children, honor your parents, because this is what is good." Ahhh, oh God, the ways you work. So, I calmed myself down. I had a conversation with my parents, and we worked it out that we would revisit the issue in a few months. I have to remember that this is God's rule, that I respect my parent's wishes. Although I may not, and do not, agree with it, I have to honor it, and I'm at peace with that.
This whole week has been a lot easier than I would have guessed. After the initial testing of faith, I feel so much stronger in God! God is just so good. I learned at YC, that I'm going to be tested over and over, it's never going to stop. A quote I love: "I want to be the kind of person that when my feet hit the floor in the morning, satan says, 'Oh crap, she's up!' " Haha :) I love that! And it's so true! I want satan to be threatened by my personal relationship with my Father, Savior and Lord.
So the main point of this post is that...drum roll please!! MY DREAM IS FINALLY BECOMING REALITY!!!!! I got an email today from a booking agent I had contacted a while back. He told me that we could get a deal for the Letter Black, Write This Down, I Am Empire, Icon For Hire and Nine Lashes to come to town on their tour! How awesome is our God?!!! I never could have done this without him putting everything together. It's going to be a lot of work to put together, but I am so ready.
So, my request to you: PRAY! Pray, pray, pray! The power of prayer will work. Pray for the people organizing it, pray for the bands, pray for the people who will attend the concert, pray for everyone. Also, we will gladly accept donations. We need to raise approximately $1500-2000, which is very cheap, trust me! So please contact me if you are looking to get involved in any way. ( Thanks much guys! Love you all.
God bless,
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