Swearing, smoking, sex, drugs, money, partying. This is what teenagers have become. This is what we think is "cool". I'm honestly becoming ashamed to be called a teenager. Because when you think "teenager", you think "swearing, smoking, sex, drugs, money, partying". There are people, adults, who are afraid of teenagers because of the name we've made for ourselves. And I'm sick of it.
Swearing. Oh, swearing, how I hate that you've become a part of my every day life. Would someone please tell me what the point of swearing is?! Yes, I realize it feels good to swear when you hurt yourself, or when you're ticked off, but really, what is the point?? As I have said before, there is a whole dictionary of words that can express the way you feel! You can even say them in french, spanish, german for all I care! "I'm pissed off" could easily be turned into "I'm ticked off" or "I'm cheesed off" (my personal favorite.) Yes, I am guilty of saying that something is pissing me off almost daily. And that's not something I'm proud of. But it's one of those "little" swears that no one cares about. Lately, it's been really annoying me. I catch myself saying it very often and it's really not needed. That's why I'm taking responsibility for my actions. I am making it my personal goal to not say "piss". Please correct me if you catch me. I'm not going to go through the whole dictionary of swears we have. That is just an example. But seriously, the next person who says "the f word" is gonna get a smack. It's really not necessary. At all. It's a stupid word. I have friends who put that word into the middle of sentences for NO REASON AT ALL!!!! And it makes me mad. Because it wasn't necessary. At all. You can say, "Look at that effing motorcycle" oooor, "Look at that motorcycle." Big difference, eh? So hard to take that one word out of the sentence! Or so say my friends.
Smoking. I will actually just show you a video to express my thoughts on smoking.
I love Brad Stine. He doesn't sugar coat stuff. Christian comedian. It just proves that you don't have to have dirty jokes or swear to be funny. Watch some of his stuff, so good!
Sex. Seriously, I have never understood the big deal with "getting it over with". This is something for you and your husband or wife to share. Not you, your husband or wife, that guy from 10th grade, the one night stand, the 3 guys from 11th grade and the other one you thought you would marry but he got away. When you have sex with one person, you're also being exposed to all the previous people they have slept with. This is the one thing I have to say to all the teenage people: GET YOUR HEADS OUTTA YOUR BUTTS AND SAVE YOURSELF!!!! It's really not that hard. Remember that word that we've been saying to our parents since we could talk? What was it again...oh yeah. No. Really not that hard. Just saying.
Drugs. Same thing as smoking. Well, kind of. But just like smoking, I have never seen the point in snorting a powder up through your nose. Or injecting it into your blood stream. What attracts people to that? I don't understand.
Money. Have you noticed how young people start to apply for jobs now? Grade 6 or 7, I'm pretty sure. Because we're so obsessed with money. We want money because we want material things. We want material things because that's how we were raised. But in the bible it says that material things do not last. They don't last. I had a pair of boots that I loved. They are now broken. Material things do not last. You cannot care about money and about God. It's one or the other. I choose God. And that's a hard thing to do as a human, because naturally, I want that new perfume. I want that designer purse. I want it all. But I have to get my priorities straight.
Parties. I have never been invited to a party. Apparently, people hear things about Morden. It's where all the Winkler people go to party. That also makes me ashamed. To live in a "party town". You could either have fun with a bunch of your friends at Tim Hortons and get completely healthy (or healthier than beer) coffee, or you could invite a bunch of random people to a party, get drunk, and not remember a thing the next day. Seems like a no-brainer when ya put it that way, right?
I'm tired of seeing my generation sinking. Because that's what we're doing. We've stopped caring. We're doing whatever we want. And it has to stop. I am sick of it. I don't want to be known for swearing, smoking, sex, drugs, money or partying. I want to be known for being on fire for my Daddy, the King, my God. Being a teenager, that's not easy. But I'm trying. I'm also in the process of taking a 22 Day Challenge. Go check out the website http://www.iamsecond.com/ . Very encouraging.
God bless,
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