November 19, 2011


My best friend is pregnant. My other best friend is dealing with CFS and her mother's pregnancy and her father's in jail. Another one of my friend's is dealing with an eating disorder. Another one of my friends is dealing with constantly being made fun of. Another is trying to get her life back together but life constantly is trying to beat her back down. Yet another is dealing with a broken home. Another is the only Christian in her home.
I am so blessed. I love my friends dearly. I love them so much! I don't know what I would do without them, to be honest. I love them in all their imperfection. They are so precious.
If you live in this clean, white little room where you unlock the door for your friends who have no obvious problems in their lives and you just stay closed off in this sheltered little place...shame on you. Shame on you, Christians who do not go out and be the hands and feet of God, like he called you to. Shame on you, Christians who do not go out and be the voice of God. Shame on you, Christians who think you are better than everyone else. Shame on you, Christians who can take part in making fun of someone else because that will boost your social status. Shame on you, Christians who do not talk to your Savior!
What are we coming to, guys? What is Christianity coming to? The word "Christian" has little to no meaning anymore. We throw it around like it's useless. When this word came to be, it was to identify people. Kind of like people from Canada are called Canadians, or people from America are called Americans, people from Australia are called Australians, people who followed Jesus Christ were named Christians. People who went out and preached about God, brought others to Christ, praised God, prayed, read the bible, healed the sick, prophesied, spoke in tongues, people who went out and were the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and followed where he led. And now, in 2011, what is considered a Christian? Someone who says, "I believe in God." Or maybe even someone who puts on the facebook profile page that they're a Christian. That's probably the most aggravating thing I see, is looking at someone's bio on facebook and seeing under Religious Views "Christian", meanwhile you see them at school and they're swearing or talking about how much fun they had drinking and partying on the weekend or they're using God's name in vain. Are you serious? I would love for these people to really come to Christ! But guys, seriously, it's time to rise up. This generation is the generation that will show people the power of our God like no one has seen before!! I believe that full well, there are people prophesying this like crazy. We are the generation that will rise up and proclaim the name of Christ.
I love you brothers and sisters, but now is the time to stop hiding away in your perfect little container that you've pushed yourselves into. It's time to step out, step up, get in there, and get your hands dirty. Go feed the homeless. Go give a prostitute a bible. Go tell your friend who cuts their wrists that you love them. Go take someone who doesn't ever get a break out for dinner. Go write an encouragement note to someone who is under appreciated. Go. Just go! Go out and show the crazy love of the Father to this world that is desperately in need of it!
I love you guys.
God bless,

November 17, 2011


So, I figured I would share a few moments I had on a youth retreat this past weekend. It was so much fun. I was actually considering not going, but I am so glad that I went. I'll be sharing what I learned at the youth retreat soon, but for now, I just thought I'd share some of the "oiii" moments.
My cousin, Scott, decided he wanted to wear a onesie.
I decided to document this.
Prank #1
This was fantastic, just because it was so unexpected! Scott's sitting down eating lunch, and this other guy comes up and pours a pitcher of water on his lap. So good! So Scott went and changed and then...
Prank #2
I got him! Ha ha! I went and shoved ice cream in his face. He had been threatening me for weeks to throw me in the lake (in November...), so I figured if he was gonna throw me in the lake, I might as well have some fun.

And then...just after lunch, I heard we were taking the group picture by the lake. "Oh, crap!" was my exact thoughts. I was still confident though, that he would not throw me in the lake. So we took the picture.
And then he threw me in the lake.
Just brutal! He put me down gently, and then he pushed me.

Ha. What a weekend! Funny thing is, I didn't even get sick. I went into the dining hall after, and our hosts were my "body guards" because my auntie works there and knows them. The guys found it funny, and the girl gave me a hug, she felt so bad! Ha, it was a great weekend.
hahaha after the lake! We love eachother.
God bless,